As a registered vendor, do you know how to request catalogs and place orders at Can you explain how the site works to a potential buyer? If not, you need to take a minute to login as our fictitious buyer and place orders, request catalogs and place inquiries - for your line!
You will login with test buyer (Shop Around the Corner) username shopgirl and password joefox. At MY ACCOUNT click on the MAIN DIRECTORY and look for your line in the directory. Then click on any of the following icons:
To request a catalog
To place an order
To inquire about an order
You can always check your submissions by returning to the
MY ACCOUNT and clicking MY INBOX. Then click the appropriate bar for catalog requests, orders or inquiries.
Practice makes perfect! And feel free to let others in your company practice on the site. Get your customers involved and work with them to use
Thank you for the tips! My company has been looking into using wholesale directories. I think it would really help boost our sales. I will start here and move out from there!